AWE makes clothes that are not seasonal or fashionable at a particular time, because every time you wear them, they tell another story, different from the one told last time and for sure different from what they will say to you the next time you will wear them. And that is why we like saying that AWE makes storyclothes or clothingstories which speak volumes each and every time you listen to them. We are inspired by art history, fashion history, nature, street, social phenomena and, truly, sky is the limit to what can inspire us.
Adding to the unicity of the individual
We are inspired by art history, fashion history, nature, street, social phenomena and truly sky is the limit to what can inspire us.
We create not only things to wear, but styled outfits, wearable stories, sometimes in unique patterns and designs, handmade and patchworked never to be ever repeated again, adding to the unicity of the individual choosing to wear AWEsome clothes.
We also create fashion/custom jewellery, mostly in unrepeatable designs using an infinity of ingredients (our most precious raw materials being all sorts of discarded seashells people once interacted with one way or another).
creative team
Cardigan helvetica sriracha, portland celiac truffaut woke
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